2 Ways of Preparation of Art Skills for the School of Architecture and Design Application
Alternative 1: Portfolio
To apply for the School of Architecture and Design, for interested applicants who have some experience in art and design, you will need to submit a portfolio along with your application for admission. The portfolio is a collection of visual narratives that tell about your interest and talents in design. The portfolio must demonstrate your skills in 2 aspects, design and technical skills. The work included may be work that you produced as part of formal study from art and design classes or private art activities.
Design: For design skills, it should be an original design for a clearly explained design problem, and should not be a reproduction from others’ work. There’s no specific format for design work but it may be a well composition of designed object that includes text of concept and multi- views and plans, or it can be a standalone sketch of designed 3-D object. Design can include sketches, photographs of models or images created digitally.
Technical Skills: For technical skills, you can include various genres of techniques and media, freehand sketch and rendering, coloring, digital art and photography. Art work should be created from your own creation rather than a reproduction of others. If possible, include text that explains your concept or idea, media and techniques used to produce it.
The portfolio must include 5-15 works and can be both digital file or hard printout
Digital: Submit the portfolio in a multi-page PDF format, 10 pages maximum, horizontal or landscape format, sent to arch_admission@au.edu
Hard Printout: submit a reproduction, do not submit an original; a reviewed portfolio may not be returned.
Alternative 2: Statement of Intent
In case you do not have a hands-on experience in art you may write a Statement of Intent to tell us about your interest and goal that you wish to pursue in a design program of the School. The Statement of Intent is a one-page essay or journal that explains your past experience and your future pathway and your academic or leisure experience in the field of design that is relevant to your interested design program.