In 2017 is the 4 th anniversary of international workshop and academic partnership in cooperation with Wismar University of Applied Sciences, Germany and Faculty of Landscape Sciences and Geomatics, Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany, and Montfort del Rosario School of Architecture and Design, Assumption University of Thailand (AAU) as hosts the international workshop in topic “Hyper Bamboo| Kinetic Façade” from 4th to 14th July 2017.
Participants are including under-graduate, post-graduate students 48 students and 10 professors. The international workshop aims to deliver subject-related knowledge in bamboo facade design focusing on movable architectural elements/flexible space concept. Discussions and impulses during the workshop will include the integration of local material (bamboo) to create an economical, flexible, and sustainable architecture. Students will get the opportunity to experiment, develop and prototype their own design and learn to solve all unforeseen problem in actual constructions. The activities are also responsible for arranging the lecturers, a block seminar, excursions and hand on workshops.
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