Project : AAU.DSGN Furniture Design for COVID 19 patients and medical teams
by Triangulumne network
Community hospitals are strategically efficient in Covid 19 outbreak control as there is one in every district throughout Thailand. These community hospitals and their medical teams and staff are , therefore , considered a very important first front line in defeating the COVID 19 by providing diagnosis and emergency treatments to the high-risk groups , thus preventing and reducing the chance of spreading of this disease to the public.
The medical teams & staff need to commute frequently while working on this difficult task , resulting in extra expenses in terms of transportation and accommodation. Therefore, shortening travel time and distance not only decreases financial burden but also improves mentality and increases energy of the workforce.
This has become the major reason for this project. A.Ornla-or Homsettee the chair person of Interior Architecture Department ,School of Architecture and Design , Assumption university of Thailand was corresponding with the objective of AAU.DSGN in promoting collaborations among educators, professionals, and the public, the project was supported by an alliance of organizations namely Panel Plus Co.,Ltd., the main supporter of the raw materials; Live Better Industrial Co.,Ltd, the manufacturer; together with the Department of Interior Architecture , Faculty of Architectural Design , Assumption University propelled the program to produce storage cabinets for both patients and the medical staffs of “Srithanya Hospital ,recovery excellence center” for 10 departments within the 5 buildings namely ; Women Ward , Men Ward , Psychiatric Ward , Mercy Ward , and Recuperating Ward.
The project is the response to the current government’s policy in COVID 19 control campaign, which aims to provide safe and hygienic accommodations to boost morale for patients and the medical teams and staff who sacrifice themselves in helping people .
The project focused mainly on appropriate designs and material selections such as the antibacterial materials for the surface of the storage cabinet. A total of 10 units were produced as a pilot project.